Kamen no Maid Guy
Genre: Comedy, ecchi
Anime television series:
Episodes: 12
Score: (2/10)
Kamen no Maid Guy. Naeka Fujiwara is the granddaughter of a billionaire and the heir to his fortune. She is pursued by those who desire her inheritance. In order to protect her from harm her proper upbringing, fearsome Kogarashi, the masked Maid Guy, is summoned. Kogarashi is boldly confident in his numerous Maid Guy abilities, from cleaning & cooking to USB connectivity and X-ray vision, to have 37 senses. He is extremely loyal to Naeka.
Genre: Comedy, ecchi
Anime television series:
Episodes: 12
Score: (2/10)
Kamen no Maid Guy. Naeka Fujiwara is the granddaughter of a billionaire and the heir to his fortune. She is pursued by those who desire her inheritance. In order to protect her from harm her proper upbringing, fearsome Kogarashi, the masked Maid Guy, is summoned. Kogarashi is boldly confident in his numerous Maid Guy abilities, from cleaning & cooking to USB connectivity and X-ray vision, to have 37 senses. He is extremely loyal to Naeka.
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